Sales contract

Please observe that this contract is what we proceed from when selling horses from Wingsjö. Of course we can, in private between seller and buyer, agree with what shall go.

The buyer

§  You as the buyer are guaranteed an evaluated horse
§  You as the buyer are guaranteed a basic educated horse, if nothing else has been arranged
§  You as the buyer are in some cases guaranteed a shown horse
§  You as the buyer are in some cases guaranteed a horse with previous offsprings
§  You as the buyer are in some cases guaranteed a horse with premium and been valued for breeding

The horse
§  The horse shall be moved completely in one week (7 days) after approved buying
§  The horse shall be kept active in competition and/or breeding - from its capacity
§  Wingsjö shall always be linked as the seller on the horse's page, and as breeder too if that's the case

§  I shall always have access to the right url for the horse
§  I shall have buybacks (always if the horse is born here), and of course be notified before post the ad
§  If Wingsjö is the breeder of the horse, it requires an approval if you want to change pictures / bloodlines / name or like

The buy will be invalidated
§  If the horse is inactive in more than a month, without a valid explanation
§  If the horse mysteriously disappears, through deletion / change of url without notifying me
§  I have the right to re-claim the horse if I feel that the requirements haven't been sustained, usually with a given reason